Gettin' Lite!!

So I know I'm a little late on this but bare with me. So my cousin Patrick (aka P-Star aka Star) who's 15 walks around his house telling everyone to "get lite" and dancing around like he's crazy. At first I thought it was annoying...then i realized I was just getting old and didn't get it. So finally I gave in (not by doing it but just by watching) and realized this is a fun little dance and kids are doing it EVERYWHERE! It's weird but YouTube has kids doing it in school, on the street, in the subway, at home, even at the Fried Chicken place!!! LMAO it's awesome tho. Aaanyway...point is my cousin "Star" has now given his sisters and myself these names... He says his sister Meri is M-Lite, his sister Nathalie is N-Lite, I'm S-Dot and together we are the "Lite Crew" LMAO!! Aaaaah to be a kid again!!

Here's some videos...enjoy...and don't hurt yourselves trying to do it lol!!

On The Street

In School

At The Chicken Spot (LMAO!!)

PS...thanks CC for holding the 365 down for all these days I was too lazy to write


lol...hey why are u laughing? i do that everyday at the chicken spot

January 15, 2008 at 11:35 AM  

lol... CC didn't you take some break dancing classes... maybe you can teach some of these moves.
You know what's funny that I feel like such a loser when I go out.. I can only do the two step for EVERY song.

January 15, 2008 at 9:27 PM  

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